The Events

The Procession of the Dead Christ, organized on Good Friday by the "Brotherhood of the Holy Cross of Foce", a symbolic representation of the Passion of Christ which has been repeated traditionally for centuries. 
The procession starts with members of the Brotherhood in sackcloth playing the 'battistrangole', instruments that produce a rattling noise, and others that carry the skull symbolizing the Golgotha ??and the symbols of the Passion. Then come the effigies of the dead Christ and Our Lady of Sorrows, valuable wooden sculptures of local craftsmen, behind them the singers of the Miserere intone their chant, passed down through the centuries by oral tradition. The procession goes through the main streets of the city, starting at sunset from the Church of the Holy Cross of Foce. Big bonfires are lit in various places along the route. 

The Race of the Ceri is perhaps traceable to ancient pagan rituals, but only its Christian character and celebration in honor of St. Ubaldo is historically proven by documents. The three Ceri have been hired as an emblem in the coat of arms of Regione Umbria. 
The Festival starts May 15, the eve of the anniversary of St. Ubaldo, patron saint of the city (May 16): between the wings cheering crowds from all over the world the "ceraioli," men dressed in bright colors, bring racing to shoulder three enormous wooden structures hoisted above on stretchers, each surmounted by a statue of a saint (the patron saint, St. Ubaldo, St. Anthony Abbot and St. George, symbolized by the colors yellow, black and blue) through the streets of the city and up the Basilica of St. Ubaldo on top of Mount Ingino, making sure that the St. Ubaldo arrive and enter the basilica always first. The Ceri are placed inside the Basilica of Sant’Ubaldo, whereas the small statues of the three saints are brought back in the city in torchlight procession with chants. 

In XIII cent. Gubbio hosted St. Francis of Assisi, and of those times is the legend of the wolf of Gubbio, ferocious man-eater (for some not an animal but a bloodthirsty outlaw) that the saint would have tamed - in the place where now stands the church of Vittorina - and would be adopted by the people of Gubbio, which would then treated and fed as a pet until his death.

The Crossbow Festival is a competition of shooting a crossbow from medieval station, of which there are already traces in documents of 1461, 1508 and 1539. The oldest document found, which refers to the previous rules, is from 1650, statutes for the proper regulation of the game are dated 1729 and 1748, and the last update in 1925. 
At Palio, which takes place every year on the last Sunday of May, participating Gubbio and Sansepolcro, who dispute the game since the XV century. 
The archers wear the ancient historical costume with a console and a constable, appointed annually and also in costume, and the city authorities attending the race. At the archer winner is awarded a prize, made every year by a famous artist. 
The "sbandieratori" (flag-wavers) of Gubbio - in the pauses of the race - compete in games of skill. At the end of the event the historic procession through the streets lit by torches. 
On 14 August, it is instead - always leading the crossbow - the District Tournament of Gubbio (St. Julian's, St. Andrew, St. Peter and St. Martin). 

At the end of year (7-12 to 6-1) is on what has been called "the biggest Christmas tree in the world", which extends for 750 meters in height and a base of 450 m on Mount Ingino , for a total area of 130,000 square meters, behind Gubbio. 
The whole work, but of much smaller size of the current, was carried out for the first time in 1981, the year in which, on December 7, occurred before the ignition, while in 1991 the tree has entered the Guinness Book of World Records. 

Gubbio, however, is also rich in cultural events - like the winter and summer seasons at the Teatro Comunale and Teatro Romano, the Gubbio Summer Festival of classical music, the traditional Concert of the Palio, which takes place in late May at the Church of Santa Maria al Corso -, the Gubbio No Borders jazz festival, sporting events like the Car rally for the “Luigi Fagioli” Trophy, gastronomic as the National Exhibition of the White Truffle and agri-food products in early November. 
Umbria, for its part, is a popular destination for events such as the Calendimaggio in Assisi and the Giostra della Quintana in Foligno, the Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto, Umbria Jazz Festival in Perugia, and gastronomic like Eurochocolate in Perugia. 

Important destinations are, in the nearby Marche, the magnificent Monastery of Fonte Avellana on the slopes of Mount Catria bordering Pesaro-Urbino, which received inspiration from St. Romuald and later from St. Peter Damian, became abbey in 1325, place that hosted Dante Alighieri, and Frasassi, underground karst caves in the municipality of Genga, in the province of Ancona.


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